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Standarts and uniforms of the French cavalry under Louis XIV 1688-1714

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Standarts and uniforms of the French cavalry under Louis XIV 1688-1714
Robert Hall, GianCarlo Boeri and Yves Roumegoux 
232 pages 
48.5 MB

This book is the last in a series which illustrates the appearance of the uniformed French army under Louis XIV. Its theme is the guards units of the royal household and the line cavalry or "cavalerie legère” and hussars. (The dragoons were handled in the second book of the series together with the artillery, bombardiers and militia.) We have to apologize to those who have waited several years for the appearance of this book but a look at the plates will show that these took a lot longer to do than the simpler ones for the infantry. We also lack a contemporary source covering all standards like the Duvivier Manuscript for infantry flags.
Historical detail has been kept to a minimum and further details may be found in other works, some of which are listed below. As can be seen in the bibliography many of the sources are in French and often not easily available to the public. A comprehensive English-language treatment of the subject has been missing up to now.
This document is very largely based on notes of original sources made
by the authors. Even in cases where the information was published, we often went back to the original and sometimes did indeed discover new aspects. The text has been written using the Abregé du Militaire … de Lemau de la Jaisse (1730-35-38 and 1740 with only the variations indicated), the État de la France 1694 and corrected with data from "l’Histoire de la Cavalerie Française” of Général Susane).
Other sources of information include contemporary gazettes, primarily the Mercure Galant, notes of witnesses who lived at the time (Memoires, the Papal Nuntius and travellers), data found in the national archives of France, Spain, Belgium, Great Britain and Italy. Unpublished documentation of the uniforms has been taken from several original clothing contracts found at the Archives Nationales in Paris by Michel Hanotaux and the authors. These have helped to fill in some gaps on the appearance of those regiments. Following the practice of the previous works we have added the livery and coats of arms of the mestres-de-camps of the regiments as far as is known, since these played an important part in the design of standards and the dress of the musicians. We would like to thank those who assisted us in many ways and gave us the value of their knowledge on the subject. The interpretation of the material and any mistakes in interpretation are our responsibility.



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Added by: , Friday, 18.06.2010